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Local Development Setup

Trifid doesn’t support Node >12, for this reason the Ontology Manager requires Node 12. See for Node version support.

Requirements: you will need Docker and docker-compose.

The schema/vocabulary/ontology itself is stored as N-Triples in a GitHub repository. OAuth credentials & a Personal Access Token are required to set up the Ontology Manager.

The development setup lets you run a local instance of the ontology manager that connects to a remote GitHub repository. It is the best way to develop.

1. Get OAuth Credentials

  1. Create an OAuth app:
  2. Homepage / Callback : http://localhost:3000/

(Keep these values, you can always reuse them locally.)

2. Get a Personal Access Token

  1. Generate a token (Scopes repo, user:email):

(Keep this value, you can always reuse it locally.)

3. Fill in Env Vars

  1. Copy the example env file ./.env.example to ./.env: cp .env.example .env
  2. Set variables OAUTH_ and GITHUB_ to the values from step 1. resp. 2.
# customer namespace
## this should be a slug, so no space, no special characters etc

# postgres config

# secret seed for JWT -


# optional variables

Note: some of these env vars will be used to create a postgres database for your project and set it up with the correct roles etc. Some others will be inserted into this database as initial config in editor_schema.config.
For this reason, if during development you need to change one of these values: OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN without having access to the admin panel, deleting the database is the easiest option: make reset up.

4. Run the Dev Server

  1. npm ci
  2. Run the project:
    • Database:
      • make up (If the database is booting up for the first time, you’ll see migrations being retried until DB is up and they get applied.)
    • Dev server + watch: npm run dev

Whenever you feel like it:

  • Deleting the DB to start over:
    • make reset